Drop-off classes can sometimes make you feel uneasy, right? A home you don't know, a teacher you don't know. Who am I leaving my kid with, again?
On a recent Facebook post, one parent gave us some unsolicited praise. She said that our teachers are sweet and trusting. That was so good to hear!

(In case you're wondering, it's Mrs. Jeni in Riverchase that has the chickens and YES, they have been a hot commodity at the end of her classes🐔)

Anyway, we want you to feel comfortable dropping off your kids for baking class! So, let's play a little game of TEACHER TRIVIA.

How well do you know these teachers? Can you get 9/9 correct?
Answer key in comments!
1. Which teacher started Itty Bitty Bakers?
2. Which teacher has taught the most classes?
3. Which teacher has twins?
4. Which teacher is an actual professional baker? (The rest of us are just hobbyists)
5. Which teacher homeschools?
6. Which teacher is about to teach her first class?
7. Which teacher has written a cookbook?
8. Which teacher is also a graphic designer?
9. Which teacher is a graduate of Birmingham-Southern?
These are our current teachers, though many more do baking camps during the summer! You can read their full bios at the Meet the Teachers page here. To see a list of upcoming classes in your child's age group, click here.
Let us know your score in the comments!
How many did you answer correctly? 9/9?
Answer Key:
1. Jessica Hamby
2. Jeni Warram
3. Emily Masters
4. Brittany Dollar
5. Teresa Huynh
6. Ally Castaldo
7. Celeste Ward
8. Candice Butterfield
9. Hillary Ryan