It's Bake Off time! Many things are the same from previous years but a few things are different. Read on for all the details...

Date: Sunday, December 18, 2022
Time: 1pm-4pm
Ages: 5-9 & 10-14
Location: Trussville Public Library, The Cahaba Meeting Room, 201 Parkway Dr, Trussville, AL 35173
Judges: Click here
Fee to enter: None
Event Day: On the day of the event, participants can arrive anytime between the hours of 1PM to 4PM. There are no set time slots. Participants will be greeted at the door to the Cahaba Meeting Room by one of our staff members and have their picture taken with their cookies. (If you do not wish to have your child's picture taken, please let us know.)
Participants will then approach the judges table and present their cookies by saying, for example, “Hello, my name is Molly Thompson and I made Peanut Butter Reindeer Cookies.” (We know verbal presentation is not possible for everyone. A parent/sibling can present on the participant’s behalf, if needed).
The judges will either taste cookies then in front of the participant (depending on time and other factors) or say something like, “Thank you, we can’t wait to try them!” Participants will then exit the room. If time allows, parents can take additional pictures, if desired. Judges will officially begin taste-testing and judging at 4PM. We will contact winners via email and post on social media sometime the next day.
Categories & Prizes: There are four cookie categories and each category will have a winner for each age group (5-9 and 10-14).
Best Tasting Cookie
Most Festive Cookie
Most Unique Cookie
Best All-Around Cookie (a cookie which encompasses all three of the above)
Each category winner will receive a $50 Itty Bitty Bakers gift card to be used on any class, camp, or shop merchandise. The Best All-Around winners will also receive the Wooden Spoon Award Trophy.

Bake Off Rules:
Participants must be between the ages of 5-14.
Cookies must be presented on a disposable plate, platter, or box labeled with the child’s name and name of the cookie.
Judging is based on cookies alone, not presentation.
Participants must have at least four cookies to sample.
All cookies must be baked (have a step that includes the oven).
Cookies must be made with minimal help from adults (including cookie selection process, grocery shopping, and kitchen cleanup)
Cookies types allowed to enter: sugar cookies, shortbread cookies, cookie cups, cut-out cookies, bar cookies, sandwich cookies, crinkle cookies, spritz cookies, pfeffernüsse cookies, biscotti, wafer cookies, meltaways, alfajores, fortune cookies, animal crackers, dipped cookies, and stuffed cookies.
Cookie types not allowed to enter: french macarons, coconut macaroons, meringues, scones, crepes, pizelles, brownies, blondies, haystacks, stroopwafel, waffle cookies, truffles, churros, rugelach, cannoli, cookie dough, whoopie pies, eclairs, lady-fingers, no-bake cookies, pie dough cookies, palmiers, pop-tarts, and decorated store-bought cookies.
Registration required. We would like to know who is coming so that we can have that information available for the judges on their note-taking spreadsheet. Please register here.
We wish everyone good luck!
To see Bake Off winners from 2021, click here.